Cookies Policy

Last update: July 12nd, 2021


  • Used cookies: Own and Third-party
  • Are they used to obtain statistics? Yes, the lawful basis being our legitimate interest in performing a better management of the Service.
  • Third-party services that install cookies through this site: Google Analytics, Doubleclick, Facebook, Pinterest and Hubspot.


How to set and disable cookies

You can allow, block or delete the installed cookies in your device through your web browser. If you do not allow the installation of cookies in your device, the experience of using the site could get worse. In any case, here you can find how to configure the cookies on every browser:

Google Chrome
Google Android
Internet Explorer 8
Internet Explorer 9
Internet Explorer 11
Mozilla Firefox
Safari Mobile


1.- Types and Uses

The service uses first and third party cookies to improve the navigation, provide the service and get statistics about the use of the site.


2.- What is a cookie and what use can it serve for?

A cookie is a text file that your browser sends to your computer, smartphone or tablet. It can be used to store and recover information about the browsing done by the user. For example, they can be used to remember your username and password, as well as the language that you prefer for the website.


3.- What types of cookies are there?

According to who is processing the cookies:

  • First party; the cookies are sended to your browser from our servers or web domains.
  • Third party; the cookies are sended to your browser from a server or web domain that we do not manage directly, being instead a third party the one who processes it, such as Google.

According to the time the cookies are active:

  • Session cookies; in this case, the cookies are in your browser history until you leave the website, so no cookie stays in the device.
  • Persistent Cookies; in this case, the cookies stay in your device and our website reads them every time that you visit it again. These cookies stop working once a specific date goes by.

According to the use of the cookies:

  • Technical cookies; these cookies improve the navigation and the performance of the website.
  • Customization cookies; these cookies allow you to access the service with predefined features according to some specific criterion.
  • Analytics cookies; these cookies make it possible to measure and analyze the use of the provided service.


Cookies used by Baymonte:

__hstcbaymonte.esAnalyticalFirst1 month
_gabaymonte.esAnalytics (yield)First2 years
_gat_gtag_UA_133498787_1baymonte.esAnalytics ( performance)FirstSession
_gidbaymonte.esAnalytical (functionality)First1 day
hubspotutkbaymonte.esAnalyticalFirst1 year and 1 month
pll_languagebaymonte.esTechnical (functionality)First1 year
IDE.doubleclick.netAnalytical (advertising)Third1 year and 1 month
test_cookie.doubleclick.netTechnical (Segmentation / advertising)ThirdSession
__cfduid.hsadspixel.netAnalyticalThird1 month
__cfduid.hscollectedforms.netAnalyticalThird1 month month
__cfduid.bouth.mall comAnalyticsFirstSession
__cfduid.designe rs.hubspot.comAnalyticsThirdSession
fr.facebook.comAnalytics (Segmentation / advertising)Third3 months
_gcl_au.baymonte.esAnalytics (Segmentation / advertising)First3 months
locale.baymonte.esTechnical (functionality)First1 year
_fbp.baymonte.esAnalytics (Segmentation / advertising)First3 months
mallorca_south_west_session.baymonte.esTechnical (functionality)FirstSession
XSRF-TOKEN.baymonte.esTechnical (security)FirstSession
mallorca_south_west_cookie_consent.baymonte.esTechnical (functionality)First20 years
_pin_unauth.baymonte.esAnalytics (Segmentation / advertising)First1 year


List of third-party cookies used by Baymonte:

Google Analytics: These cookies (such as _ga) allow you to count how many times a user visits a website, how, when and from where.

In any case, you can disable Google Analytics cookies from here.

Doubleclick: The cookie (IDE) allows you to display content adjusted to the user’s preferences.

Hubspot: The cookie (hubspotutk) is used to track the identity of a visitor.

Facebook: These cookies (such as fr) make it easy to share content on the platform or to give a “Like” to products.

Pinterest: This cookie (such as _pin_unauth) is used to track the use of the services.